What happens to our hormones when we stop breastfeeding? While breastfeeding comes with its own physical, hormonal, and emotional changes, so does stopping.
Our bodies go through a number of physiological processes in order to cease lactation. Many women believe they will “get their body back” and “feel themselves again”. They assume diastasis recti and pelvic floor issues will resolve, they will return to pre-pregnancy weight, their hair and skin will return to its lustre and their energy and mood will lift. After all, our hormones are finally normalizing right? I know this belief all too well. I also know, that this is far from the truth!
When you start to wean your baby off the breast, the feel-good hormones of prolactin (which makes us feel calm and content) and Oxytocin (our “love” and “bonding” hormone) drop, triggering a rise in estrogen and progesterone. This can lead to a variety of post-weaning symptoms that affect women in a variety of ways.
Why do women experience post-weaning symptoms differently?
The same reason menstrual cycles, PMS, pregnancy and menopause differ from woman to woman. All of our hormones will fluctuate at different rates and at different intensities. We must remember that diet and lifestyle choices play a substantial role in how our hormones are produced. Stress, a history of depression or anxiety, metabolism and gut health, support, birth experience, diet, exercise, and how abruptly a woman discontinues breastfeeding all play a role in how she may experience symptoms.
9 post-weaning symptoms women can expect:
- ENGORGEMENT, CLOGGED DUCTS & MASTITIS – If you stop breastfeeding abruptly, you will likely experience engorgement and leaking for the first few days/weeks until your hormones adapt to the sudden change. With engorgement can come clogged ducts, which if left untreated can lead to mastitis (and infection of the breast). By slowly weaning over time, you will lose the fullness of your breasts gradually and can avoid many of these symptoms.
- LIBIDO – During breastfeeding, the higher oxytocin and prolactin help us feel very content with bonding with our infant, and intercourse is the last thing on our minds (we are very satisfied with just spending time with our LO). In addition, the lower estrogen can also lead to vaginal dryness and a lower drive. We assume then, that our libido will return once we discontinue breastfeeding. It can actually be quite the opposite. Post-weaning, the desire to procreate can be a distant memory (for a short time). Remember that post-weaning comes with a rise in estrogen. This rise in estrogen can cause a lot of mood changes which may affect libido. You also have to factor in the late nights, fatigue, stress, and attending to your child that could get in the way of you “feeling in the mood”. On the upside, eventually your bodies hormones will return to their pre-pregnancy levels and you may start to enjoy intercourse again.
- DEPRESSION & ANXIETY – A combination of hormonal fluctuations and the psychological stress of weaning are at fault here. You may experience irritability, sadness, loss of pleasure, fatigue and trouble concentrating. Oxytocin (the bonding hormone) drops, which can lead to attachment issues with your baby and a lot of guilt around this. You may miss the good feelings that this hormone brought and experience more sadness and a feeling of loss. Prolactin (the hormone of content and calm) also drops after weaning, and so you may feel more agitated and anxious. It also takes time for estrogen and progesterone to normalize after weaning, and an estrogen dominance can lead to more PMS, depression and moodiness. All hormones aside, you may just be very sad that this part of your relationship with your baby is ending.
- IRREGULAR PERIODS – Your periods may have been regular before, but now can be quite heavy, painful and irregular. Estrogen and progesterone imbalances are likely to blame here, and many women can suffer anemia if the blood loss becomes too extreme.
- INSOMNIA & FATIGUE – As our estrogen and progesterone try to rebalance, it can make us feel extremely tired. Also, sleep doesn’t just go back to normal as soon as you discontinue night feeds. After months (and years) of lack of sleep, we can’t expect our bodies to just pick up where they left off. Trouble sleeping can continue for some time.
- WEIGHT GAIN – Women burn about 500-700 calories per day while nursing, so when we discontinue nursing it can be more difficult to lose weight. Your caloric needs quickly shift back to baseline, but it takes time to break the habit of frequent eating and eating larger portions. The hunger signals are still going strong. This can lead to a lot of food shame. Prolactin is also known to reduce the metabolism of fat, and because this hormone decreases slowly post-weaning it can contribute to a few extra pounds. The higher estrogen can also block the uptake of thyroid hormone leading to an underactive thyroid. Weight gain or an inability to lose weight is one of the main symptoms of hypothyroidism.
- HAIR LOSS & SKIN CHANGES – Dryness, acne, stretch marks and other breakouts are common because of the rise in estrogen and usually the return of PMS. Hair loss can also be an issue if hormones are not regulating fast enough.
- PROLAPSE & PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION (PFD) – Many symptoms of prolapse and PFD will actually improve post-weaning. Hurray! Common pelvic floor issues postpartum include pain with intercourse (usually because of the lower estrogen), pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence. The muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor are all estrogen-sensitive, and changes in collagen, due to estrogen deficiency can have a profound effect on the support network of the pelvic floor. In other words, estrogen is necessary to keep the ligaments of your pelvic floor strong and elastic. So as your estrogen rises after weaning, we can hope to see some of these pelvic issues resolve. On the flip side, if estrogen is too high (or if progesterone is too low), it can cause pelvic congestion (a dilation of blood vessels within the pelvis) and this can lead to pelvic pressure and pain.
- INCREASE IN FERTILITY – While prolactin is high during breastfeeding, it suppresses ovulation. So as prolactin begins to drop, we will see a return in our cycles and ovulation.
How can we make the weaning transition easier?
First, I always suggest for a woman to wean gradually. An abrupt discontinuation can lead to rapid hormonal shifts which will only worsen symptoms. Start by reducing the number of feeds per day or shorten the length of each breastfeeding session. Hormones should return to pre-pregnancy levels within eight weeks. If you feel engorged or experience mastitis, ice packs, warming pads, sage tea and a comfortable bra (with no underwire) can go a long way.
Another thing I usually tell women is to find other ways to bond with their baby. Playing together, cuddling, and having that 1-on-1 time can curb that “detachment” feeling or feelings of guilt.
We also cannot dismiss the power of a nutritious diet which consists of whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats and high fruit and vegetable intake which not only balance our hormones but make us feel lighter and more energetic. Regular exercise is also vital. It improves moods, focus, stamina, confidence and can increase libido.
Lastly, if a woman is concerned about post-weaning symptoms, I encourage them to seek support and hormonal testing from their Naturopathic Doctor who can offer natural solutions, and also to seek out pelvic floor care through an exercise program designed for pelvic floor health postpartum and to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist.
The topic of the effects of hormonal shifts during and after weaning from breastfeeding is not discussed enough. When I day-weaned my 21-month-old three years ago, I was blindsided by the intensity of hormones and emotions that hit me like a truck. While my daughter and I were both needing and ready for this change, it was incredibly difficult to go through, particularly for those first few days.
I had no idea there could be so many symptoms involved in beginning the weaning process! I felt awful physically, like I was sick. The grief was so intense. The feeling of rejection was painful despite the fact that I was encouraging her lack of interest. My description of my first few days day-weaning can be found in this post: https://mamarissa.com/weaning-from-breastfeeding-an-emotional-and-physical-journey/.
It’s a hard process to go through and most women are not prepared for that. Thank you for sharing these insights on the hormonal effects of weaning from breastfeeding. So many women have no idea that some of these things can happen during the weaning process and it’s unfortunate to go into it unprepared.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this very informative piece. This helps me empathize, have some understanding of what my wife is going through, and in a way relate (not the same, but as a type 1 diabetic, I have experienced countless endocrine related challenges that disrupt life) during this tough time for her and for us. It has also afforded me a sense of peace in knowing some of these symptoms are natural and I’m not necessarily doing anything wrong. I am always amazed at the female body and what women both endure and are blessed with – the gift of maternal instinct, the physicality and relationship is truly a blessing from God.
Thank you for this post on weaning from breastfeeding. This is a topic I never heard about until I experienced it for myself. I wrote about the difficult journey it was to day-wean my daughter in this post: https://mamarissa.com/weaning-from-breastfeeding-an-emotional-and-physical-journey/
I was not prepared for the degree of sorrow, guilt, and exhaustion that hit me with day-weaning my daughter. It is not an easy thing to go through. And to be honest, you can never get that kind of relationship back and things aren’t the same after you wean. My daughter and I were both ready for it and it was the right time for us, but even then, it was a difficult transition. Moms need support and information during such an emotional and physically challenging time.
I have been scouring the internet trying to get an explanation for what I’m experiencing. The last time i weaned (after 2.5 years breastfeeding) i had very similar symptoms for about 6 months—as I do now. I weaned slowly with both kids and i do not recommend, as it just draws out the symptom agony. The worst of which is extreme fatigue and cognitive decline (brain fog, inability to focus, extreme need to sleep). I am wondering if there is a way to jump-start balancing my hormones using natural progesterone cream….?
Thank you for this article😭 I’ve had a few complicate years with my health and this weaning article makes me feel so normal, I thought I was having some flare upset and was very concerned!! Just the hormones getting to me I’m sure lol. Thank you
Can weaning cause an increase in vaginal discharge?