Why You Should Make a Vision Board

The following is a guest post written by Holistic Nutritionist Laura De Sanctis who heads up Belle Nutrition, among many other amazing things! She's getting personal talking about her experience of moving past self-doubt and manifesting the life of her dreams.  Starting with a vision board made a radical difference, and she explains how. Laura, you're inspiring me to get my bristol board, scissors and glue and make this happen! 

Heart-to-heart I want to share something with you. I used to really struggle with holding a vision of what I wanted. I tried meditating, I tried writing things down (although I wasn’t diligent), I tried holding a vision of myself, but felt there was a constant battle in my head. During this time, my inner circle doubted me and never acknowledged my small wins.  On top of that, I used to have a lot of self-doubt and negative self-talk.  When things didn’t go my way, I used to wallow in the sadness.  Trust me, wallowing and feeling sorry for yourself won’t get you anywhere – especially if you have a specific vision of what you want and what goal(s) you have in mind.

I kept making excuses as to why I wasn’t reaching my goals and visions. I even remember making an excuse to myself saying I didn’t have time to make a vision board of what I wanted (how crazy is that?).  When things weren’t going my way, and I began to see these negative patterns develop over and over again, I realized I had to switch my mind-set.  I had to change my story, ditch the negative friends and circle, and stop focusing on all the things that were wrong or could go wrong.  I needed to be my own cheerleader and step it up.

I began to realize that I had to shift my focus.  I had to adjust my attitude.  I believe in the Law of Attraction and as an Energy Medicine practitioner and holistic nutritionist, I also believe the Universe is always listening.  Knowing this, I had to make some real hard changes, but I had to shift my focus.  Sure things didn’t happen over night, but I really delved deep into personal development, creating a vision of my ideal life, creating my vision board, and reading the likes of Napolean Hill, Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins  and Leanne Jacobs- all my favs!

*photo courtesy of Adenorah

I realized, if I really wanted something bad enough, I had to eliminate the b.s. excuses I kept telling myself, put in the effort and work for it. Creating a vision board was just a baby step as to how I put in the effort, but it was and still is my daily reminder and declaration to the universe as to what I wanted.  It’s my reminder of what’s my why and how I want my future. Creating my vision board was a small action step that reminded me every day as to why I should strive to reach my goals, no matter how tough it gets some days.

I encourage my clients to create a health and wellness vision board for themselves.  It helps them stay on track, establish healthy eating habits and acts as a daily reminder to shift their focus, especially when fear and negativity creeps up on them.

Here are my top reasons as to why everyone should have a vision board:

1. Seeing your vision helps lead you to the path to create what you want.

2. It acts as a daily reminder to reconnect and reestablish your WHY.

3. In the process of creating your vision board, it helps you get super clear on what you want and declares to the universe what you want.

4. It can lead you on a path to create meaningful change in your life.

5. You can have a dream big or small – and your vision board can help deem yourself worthy of your dream.

6. These images, words and phrases represent what your life will be like when you step into your highest form of self.

Dedicate a day, or a week, looking at books, magazines and art for inspiration.  I love going to art galleries and museums and walking in nature to get inspiration. Cut out photos and images of inspirational quotes, foods, personalities and/or celebrities.  Focus on one thing you want in your life, like career, love or several areas of your life where you want abundance and positive growth.  It’s your vision board, so feel free to create your board with visions and dreams you want in your life.  Your vision board is your new story, where you include your inner most wants and desires.

Place your vision board in a prominent place and/or high traffic area that you see each day.  Some people keep their vision board in their bedroom or bathroom. I keep mine on my fridge, this way, if I’m ever tempted to eat something bad, the first thing I see is healthy food and a beach.

Creating a vision board is one helpful way to keep your health and wellness resolutions fresh in your mind and in check each and every day.  All you need is some magazines or a printer and some scissors, glue and bristle board. You can take the time to search online for specific images you want (Pinterest or Instagram are both helpful for inspiration) and add these images to your Bristol board.

I love working on vision boards and create one every year.  When people come over and they see my vision board on my fridge, it’s always a conversation starter. It’s nice to show people my visions, goals and what I aspire to be.

This year, take some time solo, invite your partner or your besties, and schedule in time to create your vision board.  Even better, make it a date night or small group activity. Remember, pictures and images hold meaning, so take the time to select and surround yourself with images of who you want to be, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to travel.  Choose images and photos that you are energetically pulled to.

Let’s cheers to new year filled with visions, goals and achieving your dreams!



*Warning – creating a vision board may leave you with feelings of happiness, motivation and may even feel therapeutic. : )

Such a powerful message! Thank you Laura! Have you created a vision board?  If so, share with us your thoughts!

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