It turns out your mom was right. Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day! (And if you never heard that, I’m telling you now. Read on, and get your blenders ready!) I’m a HUGE fan of shakes in the morning, and am excited to announce The Belle Breakfast Challenge! Post your favourite breakfast shake recipe along with a photo of your concoction on our facebook page and be entered to win a $150 Sport Chek gift card!
Winners will be announced Monday, February 11, 2013!
For more inspiration on the importance of breakfast, read on!
Studies show that people who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight than regular breakfast eaters.
In fact, one study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that skipping breakfast isn’t just associated with being overweight, but with obesity. Got your attention? Here are 5 reasons to eat breakfast like a queen.
1. Eating breakfast helps you lose weight
Eating breakfast stimulates metabolism and signals the body to start using fuel, instead of hoarding fuel. When you skip breakfast the body goes into lockdown mode burning far fewer calories. Kick start your metabolism each morning – your waistline will thank you.
2. Breakfast is your chance to get all your nutrients
A smoothie filled with flax seeds, banana, strawberries, spinach, hemp oil and protein? You could struggle to get all that omega 3, vitamin C, iron and potassium goodness in your body with lunch and dinner, or you could enjoy a tasty shake and be done with it by 8 am!
3. You’ll have more energy
Food is energy. Eat breakfast to take on the world! Coffee doesn’t count by the way.
4. You’re less likely to cheat on your diet
Spacing your calories throughout the day at regular intervals is better than going through a starve-binge routine each day. Don’t deprive yourself of breakfast – or other meals for that matter – or you may just find yourself losing control later in the day.
5. You’ll feel smarter
Eating breakfast provides an energy boost to the brain for mid-morning alertness and performance.
Remember, post your shake recipes on the facebook page for all the see. We are bound to get some delicious and nutritious ideas!